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All said is very true. The virus will not disappear. Being a strain that will affect the upper respiratory tract, it has the ability to spread quickly. Considering the number of fatalities for a large population inthe past two months, the immune system of we Indians is perhaps more tolerant. This is clear from allthe asian overpopulated countries. We hve to now live with a little mroe care.Avoid crowds at all levels. School, and colleges have to be reorgainised to avoid over crowing. while arts, law and commerce can all be on line courses, science courses which are dependent on laboratory and contact, have tobe reorganized and make hybrid On and off line courses. Most important, our religius places have to reorganize to avoid close contact, contamination and spread of infection.Perhaps all religious activities should go on line. That will allow more to participate. Colllections about which the religious intitutions are worried, can also be made on line or by dropping at the doors. Covid has given a chance to reorganize our lives. If we dont use this crisis as an opportunity, we will be at fault.
