News Release
Study on Identifying Specific Policy Options with the Aim of Reducing Carbon Intensity in India
of India has approved the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) and
its constituent eight missions prepared under the aegis of the Prime Minister's
Council and furthermore, an 'Expert Group on Low Carbon Strategies for
Inclusive Growth' chaired by Dr. Kirit Parikh has been set up to provide
technical and policy options to reduce 20-25% emission intensity by 2020.
Various other countries are aggressively pursuing low carbon growth plans. Various
other countries are aggressively pursuing low carbon growth plans. They are
rapidly disseminating the lessons that have been learnt globally in
implementing low carbon growth plans and applying them to the challenges faced
in India. It may be possible for India to leapfrog these experiences and
accelerate the implementation of policies that are a deviation from the
business as usual scenario. India may be possible for India to leapfrog these
experiences and accelerate the implementation of policies that are a deviation
from the business as usual scenario. Under this context, the aim of this study
project was to provide practical recommendations on low carbon policy options
to support the ‘Expert Group on Low Carbon Strategies for Inclusive Growth'
appointed by the Planning Commission to reduce Indian’s emission
intensity. The study aims to provide practical recommendations for the
policy landscape in India. The three key
domains identified by stakeholders are – Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs),
Green/Energy Efficient Buildings and Low Carbon Institutional Framework needed
both for governing and enabling institution required.
The study 'Identifying specific
policy options with the aim of reducing carbon intensity in India' is
undertaken by AEA, Emergent Ventures India and IRADe, and supported by the
British High Commission.
The study was carried out through continuous
interactions with Indian stakeholders in the form of interviews, discussions
and roundtables. Extensive range of consultation, interaction, workshop and
seminars were held in India to finding out the Practical recommendation on key
policy instruments required for low carbon growth India.
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs):
- Ensuring policy certainty and regulatory compliance by demonstrating a
national policy commitment for RECs by setting appropriate targets that aligns
with national level targets of renewable energy generation.
- Setting uniform RPO targets across states in India along with minimum
Price guarantee for RECs and strengthening the penalty mechanism
Green and energy
efficient building standards:
- Implement green and energy efficient building standards by incentivising
owners and developers to overcome barriers related to capital intensity, high
cost and general reluctance to move from existing practice. Central financial
assistance could be provided to city municipalities and other local bodies to
finance these incentives.
- Reduce the knowledge gaps and promote greater sharing of information
amongst technical experts and developers to incorporate Green building/ energy efficiency
techniques in building design and construction.
- Strengthen the supply chain of green building materials to ensure that the green building market can operate on a reasonable scale
- Stricter regulatory provisions and mandating standards for making
designers and contractors for rapid adoption of techniques and technologies for
green and energy efficient buildings.
Low carbon governance and institutional framework:
- A special unit such as the Low Carbon Growth Unit (LCGU) could be set up
in planning commission to focus expressly on delivery of those aspects of the
5-Year Plan with climate elements linked to the NAPCC.
- Ensure institutional mechanism to enforce the recommendations and
provide guidance on how to strengthen the enabling regulatory (CERC), financial
(Banks) and technical (BEE) institutions for implementing low carbon growth
the institutional framework to support private sector action
About Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADe):
IRADe, a regional energy think tank headquartered in New Delhi. IRADe is a fully autonomous Advanced Research Institute, which aims to conduct research and Policy Analysis and connect various Stakeholders including Government, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Corporations, and Academic and Financial Institutions. Its research covers many areas including Energy & Power Systems, Urban Development, Climate Change & Environment, Poverty Alleviation & Gender, Food Security & Agriculture, as well as the Policies that affect these areas.
For additional information please contact:
Er. Rajiv Ratna Panda,
Project Manager (Energy and Power),
rajivpanda@irade.org , +91 11 26676181 (Extn.: 42)