Stakeholder discussions on 'Bhutan Electricity Model' under the project "Implications of declining costs of Solar, Wind and Storage Technologies on region power trade in South Asia (BBIN)"
Dates: 25th November 2019, Venue: Department of Hydro & Power System's Office, Thimphu, Bhutan
Regional Conference on "Economic Benefits of Bangladesh - India Power Trade” to promote South Asia Electricity Trade
Dates: 12th June 2019, Venue: Shangri-La's - Eros Hotel, Ashoka Road, New Delhi
Stakeholders Training for Management of Heat-Related
Illnesses & Orientation to Heat Stress Action
11th May, 2019, Venue: Amaltas hall, India Habitat
Centre, New Delhi
cum Training workshop organized for health care
professionals to manage Heat-Related Illnesses
in Rajkot, Gujarat
3rd May 2019, Venue: IIC, Rajkot
Policy Dialogue on Environment and Climate Change -Odisha Chapter
Dates: 29th-30th January 2019, Venue: Swosti Grand, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha
Final Workshop "South Asian Regional Power Exchange (SARPEX) ”
Dates: 6 July’ 2018, Hotel Shangri-La, New Delhi
Report Release Workshop for “Economic Benefits from Bangladesh–India Electricity Trade”
Dates: 26th February 2018, Venue: Dhaka, Bangaldesh
Stakeholders Workshop “Developing Disaster Resilience Action Plan Through Gis & Prioritising Actions For Natural Disaster Risk Reduction In Shillong & Gangtok
Dates: 6th February 2018, Venue: Gangtok , Sikkim
Workshop on Framing the Debate on Climate Change
Dates: 3-5 February 2018, Venue: Allahabad University, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
Partners Inception Workshop for Climate Adaptive Action Plan to Manage Heat Stress in Indian Cities
Dates: 1st February 2018, Venue: IIC, New Delhi
Workshop and Report Release on "Economic Benefits of Bangladesh - India Power Trade” to promote South Asia Electricity Trade , 11 January 2018, New Delhi
Dates: 11 January 2018, Venue: The Royal Plaza, New Delhi
Capacity building, Training and Distribution of Induction cooker with Induction compatible utensils
Date: 8 December 2017, Venue: Mahila Sablikaran Kendra,Kuthroud, District - Balodabazar
Workshop and Report Release on "Regional Co-operation for Power Trade: Nepal India Perspective"
Dates: December 1, 2017, Venue : Nepal Hall, Hotel Radisson, Kathmandu
Workshop on Framing the Debate on Climate Change
Dates: 11-13 November 2017, Venue: BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh
Workshop on Framing the Debate on Climate Change
Dates: 27-29 October 2017, Venue: H.P.University Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Workshop on Framing the Debate on Climate Change
Dates: 12-14 October 2017, Venue: Kumaun University, Almora, Uttarakhand
Workshop on Framing the Debate on Climate Change
Dates: 5 -7 October 2017, Venue: Chandigarh University, Punjab
Workshop on Framing the Debate on Climate Change
Dates: 21-23 September 2017, Venue: Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, Rajasthan
Capacity building, Training and Distribution of Induction cooker with Induction compatible utensils
Dates: 22nd September 2017, Venue : Tapukara, Alwar (Rajasthan)
Capacity building, Training and Distribution of Induction cooker with Induction compatible utensils
Dates: 21st September 2017, Venue : Kotputli, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Workshop on Framing the Debate on Climate Change
Dates: 13-15 September 2017, Venue: -Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana
Expert Group Consultation Meeting on “Macro-economic benefits of Bangladesh-India electricity trade” Analytic Study
Dates: 31st August 2017, Venue : Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi, India
Workshop and Report Release on "Converging the Divergence Between Diesel and Petrol Prices"
Dates: 30th August 2017, Venue : Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi
Release of Report On “Harmonization of Grid Codes, Operating Procedures and Standards to facilitate/promote Cross-Border Electricity Trade in the SA Region”
Dates: 30th August 2017, Venue : Hotel Yak & Yeti, Kathmandu, Nepal
Launch of Report On “Economic Benefits of Nepal-India Electricity Trade” -19th January 2017, Kathmandu
Date 19th January, 2017 Venue Hotel Radisson, Kathmandu,Nepal
Focus Group Discussion on “India TIMES Electricity Model” with Central Electricity Authority, India
Date: 1 July 2016 Venue: Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi
SARI/EI Think Tank Forum India Workshop for South Asia Regional Co-operation”
Date: 27th October,2016 Venue: Hotel Le Meridien , New Delhi, India.
Myanmar Green Energy Summit-“Gearing Up the Green Energy Development: New Directions and Strategies”
Date: 15th-16th August,2016 Venue: Yangon,Myanmar.
Launch Workshop: Think Tank Forum for South Asia Regional Co-operation
Date: 16th September, 2016 Venue: Hotel Shangri-La,Kathmandu Nepal
National Conference on “Post-Paris Climate Action”
Date 12th July, 2016, Venue: Hotel Le Meridien, New Delhi
South Asia: Shaping the New Paradigm for Growth -SARI/EI and SAARC Chamber of Commerce
Date 3rd June 2016, Venue: Kalutara, Sri Lanka.
Nepal Power Investment Summit 2016- the future battery of South Asia
Date May 31-June 3, 2016 Venue: Hotel Yak & Yeti, Kathmandu, Nepal
POWER-GEN India & Central Asia Conference- “High Level Panel Discussion: Policy & Regulatory Aspects and Reforms”
Date 18th -20th May, 2016 Venue: Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India
SAARC Dissemination Workshop on “The Study for Development of a Potential Regional Hydro Power Plant in South Asia”
Date 09– 10 May 2016 Venue: Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza,Kathmandu, Nepal
Regional Power Trade with special focus on Nepal – India
Date 28th April, 2016 Venue Hotel Radisson, Kathmandu,Nepal
SAR/Technical Delegation to Bangladesh
Date 19th April, 2016 Venue: NLDC & PGCB, Dhaka, Bangladesh
SARI/EI Technical Delegation to Bhutan on the study on “Harmonization of grid codes, operating procedures and standards to facilitate/promote Cross Border Electricity Trade in the South Asia Region”
Date 6th-7th April, 2016 Venue: Thimpu, Bhutan
Review of status of Marine National Park, Jamnagar & Evolving vision statement for Management of MNP, Jamnagar, Gujarat
Date 8th March, 2016 Venue: Jamnagar
Second Meeting of the SAARC Energy Regulators.
Date 08-09 February,2016 Venue: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Stakeholder Consultations for “Macroeconomic and analytic study focusing on benefits from Nepal- India electricity trade”
Dates: 18 - 19th January 2016 , Venue : Kathmandu Nepal
Dr. Jyoti Parikh and Dr. Kirit Parikh along with Hon'ble Chief Minister of Gujarat Smt. Anandiben Patel, releasing the "Environmentally Sustainable Energy Strategies for Gujarat" Report, prepared by IRADe
Date: January 19th , 2016 Venue: Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat
Sustainable Development of Power Sector and Enhancement of Electricity Trade in the South Asian Region: Policy, Regulatory Issues/Challenges and the way forward
Date 15th January, 2016 Venue: New Delhi

Sustainable Energy strategies for Gujarat - Meeting with the Minister of
Energy and other Stakeholders at on 21.12.2015
Date: December 21 , 201 5
Venue: Gandhi Nagar , Gujarat, India
The 4th Meeting of SARI/EI Project Steering Committee,
9th Dec 2015, Mumbai
National stakeholder consultation on New Energy Policy (NEP): Environment and Climate Change Perspectives
Date: 6th November, 2015,
Venue: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
COP 21 DIALOGUE - Cities Resilience to Climate Change
Date: 30th October 2015 Venue: Embassy of France, New Delhi, India
Climate and Disaster Resilient Smart Cities
Date: 28th October 2015, Venue: New Delhi
SARI/EI Study Tour to Nord pool Power Markets 12-16th October 2015, Norway and Denmark
SAARC Perspective Workshop Past, Present and Future of High Voltage DC (HVDC) Power Transmission
Date 30 Sept-1 Oct, 2015 Venue: Lahore
5th Meeting of Task Force 2 on “Advancement of Transmission Systems Interconnection”
17th September, 2015, Kolkata, West Bengal
Combined Meeting of SARI/EI Task Forces, 05th – 6th August 2015, New Delhi
Launch of the Regional Regulatory Guidelines, 5th Aug 2015, New Delhi
Stakeholder Dinner Meeting on “Catalysing Cross Border Electricity Trade in South Asia: South Asia Forum of Electricity Regulators (SAFER)” , August 5th , 2015, New Delhi
How can long-term and sustained financing be structured for mitigation and adaptation?
Date: 29TH JUNE 2015,
Venue: Embassy of France, New Delhi, India
SARI/EI Study Mission to Nepal 16th -19th March, 2015 Kathmandu, Nepal
Improving Productivity and Livelihood i n Eastern Uttar Pradesh,
Date: 27-28th February, 2015 Venue: Lucknow, U.P.
West India Regional Work Shop on Sustainable and Disaster Resilient Urban Development
Date: September 09, 2014
Venue: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
News Release of 3rd meeting
of TF-1
Asia Regional Inaugural Conference of SARI/EI
on Cross Border Electricity Trade
October 4-5, 2013
• Session-wise PPT Presentations
• Photographs

- Draft - Workshop Agenda -Alternative Road
Maps on Reforming Diesel Prices-Raj Click
Workshop on "Consultation / Review of Recommendations
on Industrial Development and Conservation of
Marine National Park"
Jamnagar, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
September 24th -25th 2010
International Conference on "A Global Green
New Deal?- Towards Green Energy Policies for
Sustainable Development
A 1 ½ day international conference by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
and IRADe (Integrated Research and Action for
Development (India))
8-9, 2010
International Workshop On Sustainable And Climate
Resilient Urban Development
India Habitat Center, Lodi Road, New Delhi