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Ongoing Projects
Enabling state level strategic actions for India’s NDC
IRADe has in the past worked with the MOEFCC to provide inputs in finalizing India’s NDCs(Nationally determined Contribution) announced during Paris COP. This study with support from MacArthur Foundation is to suggest market based solutions and business models for state level implementation to reduce CO2 emissions and increase renewables share in power and energy, transport and agriculture sectors which are high emitters. IRADe will work on Effective state action plans consistent with national plan to fulfilNDC targets particularly by high emitter states who are likely to grow by 2030.
A recent IRADe paper “Can India grow and live within a 1.5 degree CO2 emissions budget?” in Energy Policy, suggests a combination of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency that will be needed for NDC. Many sectors require state level decisions. The solutions will be state and sector specific. The selected states are an advanced state, Gujarat, a growing one, Odisha and a North East state, Assam. GHG intensities, per capita consumption, economic growth patterns of sectors viz. power, agriculture, industry, transport, poverty schemes etc., will be analysed in detail. We will look for key enablers in various sectors:
a) Power & Energy: Examine supply and demand structures and scope for coal, gas, hydro, nuclear and renewables. How to promote renewables?
b) Transport: How to reduce carbon intensity with a combination of technological options such as EV, public transport and policies? What financing schemes will encourage cheaper EV without batteries or with battery swapping provided by private sector?
c) Agriculture: Energy efficient solar irrigation can reduce water intensity through drip irrigation. Design financing mechanism for farmers and DISCOMs who guarantee surplus power purchase.
To achieve the study objectives, IRADe, will require high-level communications and outreach strategy to communicate study outputs to state level stakeholders and at the same time seek their inputs to improve the study outcome. In this regard, IRADe has organized inception meetings in three States namely Odisha, Gujarat, and Assam selected for intensive case studies. The inception meeting was an opportunity to bring relevant stakeholders which includes policy makers, academia, civil societies, researchers and practitioner on a common platform to discuss, deliberate, inform and get benefitted with their rich knowledge about the local situation to come up with a market based solution for the three selected sectors to meet India’s NDC target.
Supported By: MacArthur Foundation